How to Download Leads from Facebook: The 4 Best Ways to View Leads (on Desktop & Mobile)

Facebook Lead Ads is an excellent way to generate leads for your business as it has the potential to reach millions of people who scroll through Facebook on their devices every day. Plus, it ensures you don’t need to manage a separate website to generate leads online. That being said, collecting leads through Facebook Lead Ads might not be as easy as it looks since the average click-through rate of Facebook Ads is less than 1%. But that doesn’t mean you can’t run effective lead ads on Facebook. All you need is careful consideration and implementation of ad elements that make it effective.  

If you’re just getting started with running Lead Ads on Facebook, you may be overwhelmed with the pressure of having to create and run practical lead ads that perform well. Lucky for you, knowing the technical aspects of Facebook Lead Ads can help you create more engaging ads. 

While there are experts that dedicate their careers to marketing, in reality, you don’t have to be a full-time marketer or designer to know the ins and outs of successful ads. It’s more about understanding who your customers are and how your products/services help them. 

In this article, we highlight the essential elements of effective Facebook Lead Ads with Facebook lead ad examples, the best creative practices, and questions to include in your Lead Forms – all organised for different industries.  

Table of Contents:
How to run Facebook Lead Ads
The two elements of a Facebook Lead Ad (Creative vs. Lead Form)
How to create effective Ad Creative for Facebook Lead Ads
A guide to putting the right questions on your Facebook Lead Ad Form
Facebook Lead Ad Examples and Questions across 10 industries

How to run Facebook Lead Ads

Running a lead ad on Facebook is simple – you just need a Facebook account, an image or video, and some text. However, creating effective Facebook Lead Ads that attract and convert your target audience requires a good understanding of your leads and some technical elements. Therefore, it’s best if you plan well for your ad in advance before deciding to invest money in it. 

You can create and publish Facebook Lead Ads with a few simple steps by logging into your Facebook account and navigating to the Ads Manager. Please follow  if you want to have a quick look at how to run Facebook Lead Ads. 

The two elements of a Facebook Lead Ad (Creative vs. Lead Form)

Facebook Lead Ads have two important parts: Ad creative and lead form.

Ad creative is the external segment of your lead ad that shows up on your potential customer’s feed. It consists of a design and message that urges people to take action (or click the CTA button). Effective and relevant ad creative improves your Click-Through-Rate. 

Once visitors click the lead ad, it opens up a form where they can fill up their details such as name, email, and phone number and submit (their interest). Lead forms help you collect important information about your clients, which can help you approach your clients with a personalised touch later.

How to create effective Ad Creative for Facebook Lead Ads

Ad creative plays a great role in enticing visitors to take action. It’s the first component of your ad people see. Therefore, making it attractive is essential to get people to stop scrolling and pay attention to your ad, ideally even getting them to click. If targeted and designed properly, an effective ad creative gets way more clicks than a generic one. Ad creative has two important elements: visual and messaging. A good combination of admirable visuals (image or video) and messaging helps create an effective ad creative. 


What’s an effective Visual Creative?

A visual creative can be either an image or a video. Its primary objective is to get people to stop scrolling and pay attention to your ad. It covers the biggest area of the ad. Perfect assembly of the visual elements play a good role in attracting people. It’s only after they get attracted by the visuals, people consider reading the ad messaging and clicking through the CTA. 

While designers use various creative methods to design attention-grabbing ads, the rule of thumb is to make the graphics relevant to the target audience. You may also showcase your product or service with relevant themes. Additionally, researching ads on  be a good start to Facebook Ads Library can knowing impactful ads and getting inspiration from the best Facebook lead ad examples. 


What makes an ad Message powerful?

Once the users notice your ad, the next thing they’ll do is read the first line or two of your ad message. The ad message should elaborate further on the value proposition or the problem you’re solving. 

The message plays a great role in receiving clicks and ultimately urging people to fill up the form and many elements determine its effectiveness. You should research, analyse, and consider things you should keep in mind while planning to put a message correctly. For instance, people love to know about the benefits or what they get by submitting their information. It’s up to you how to write it appropriately, regardless of what you’re offering – be it a 50% discount, a free ebook, or anything that offers value. An effective ad message is:   

  • relevant to the audience 
  • catchy 
  • gives more information and context than what is in the visual creative 
  • motivates users to click through on the ad to get even more information

A guide to putting the right questions on your Facebook Lead Ad Form

While the best practices for ad creative can be similar to other types of ads, the unique part about Facebook Lead Ads is that it immediately opens a Lead Form with a click, instead of a website. Therefore, the questions you ask are one of the most important parts of a Lead Form and should be optimised specifically for each industry/business. Here are some considerations for Facebook Lead Form questions:  


What is the ideal number of Questions for the Facebook Lead Ad form

As you’re aware that the primary purpose of a Facebook Lead Ad is to collect lead information, your form should make it easy for your leads to complete the submission. But at the same time, you want to make sure you have quality leads by knowing a few specific details about them. That being said, longer forms and a higher number of questions can be roadblocks for submissions, resulting in people losing interest in your offer and abandoning the process.     

Remember, the fewer the questions and the easier to answer, the higher the chance of your leads completing the form. On the other hand, having more questions can improve lead quality as genuinely interested leads may not mind providing a few more lines of detail. However, it’s probably not a good idea to have more than 5 or 6 questions, or else you’ll start sacrificing leads. 

3 to 5 questions is probably the sweet spot for lead forms as people are eager to get the benefits fast. Anything more than that may result in a drop-off of submissions. You can always start out with fewer questions on your form and expand the number later as you test your ad and find people reacting positively to the number of questions.  

Here are some tips for maintaining a perfect number of questions on your lead forms: 

  • Don’t forget to enable prefill questions on your instant forms. It makes it easier for your leads to submit by auto-populating most of the questions. 
  • Remove questions that you don’t require. For instance, if you only need the WhatsApp phone number of your leads and not the email, remove the email field. There’s a psychological advantage to having fewer fields.

What types of Questions are ideal for Facebook Lead Forms?

Asking the right set of questions is important for not just you but also for your leads. Proper questions ensure you have the right information. They make it easy for you to prepare for the next step where you’ll approach them for the first time. On the other hand, the right questions connect your leads and make them feel more confident that their specific problems will be solved. Similarly, irrelevant questions turn off your leads and make them leave the process. 

Be careful about the types of questions you ask. Here are some tips about putting the right set of questions on your lead ad forms: 

  • Before putting up a question, always analyse if you actually need that information. Start with only the most relevant questions. You can always edit your form later on once you figure out if people are responding positively to the existing questions. 
  • It’s best to avoid sensitive questions. For instance, if you’re running a lead ad for your real estate business, people will love to write about the property features they need, such as the number of bedrooms, location, etc. However, a question about their income and budget may be a bit sensitive. Similarly, people may find it uncomfortable to provide their house address, id number, or bank details. Moreover, medical status and age etc. can also be sensitive for some demographics. 
  • Avoid asking for information people have to think about before answering. For example, while putting up questions in the lead form for your jeweller business, asking about carats and bends may turn off your leads because they might need to think about it. 
  • Too specific questions can be hard to answer. Consider avoiding them. 
  • The purpose of lead forms is to collect information fast. Therefore, consider avoiding questions that require a lot of typing. Let’s say you’re running a recruitment lead ad. You may think it’s a good idea to put a personal statement field for your leads, but in reality, most people will not complete your form if they have to type a single sentence, let alone a whole paragraph.