How to Download Leads from Facebook: The 4 Best Ways to View Leads (on Desktop & Mobile)

You started running   Facebook Lead Adsand are generating new leads. Well done! But getting leads is only half the battle – you still need to convert them into paying customers.

Your success depends on how quickly you can access, download and contact your Facebook leads. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your marketing efforts (and budget).

Now, the question is, how to download leads from Facebook in the most efficient way.

In this article, you will learn the best ways to see and download your Facebook leads and the pros/cons of desktop and mobile options. You will also see where to download Facebook leads from.

Stick around till the end for some expert advice on the best practices to follow to triple your new lead conversion rates.

Bow to get lead from facebook

Facebook offers many different types of ads styles and formats, depending on your goals – raising brand awareness, promoting new products, gaining followers, etc. But for most businesses, the main priority is getting new leads. There are two main ways to get leads from Facebook Ads:

  1. Submit Contact Details (e.g. leads submit their contact details via Facebook Lead Ads, Messenger Lead Generation, or a website contact form) 
  2. Click-to-Message (e.g. leads click to message directly on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger)

We’ll focus on how to view or download leads from Facebook for leads that have submitted their contact details via Facebook lead forms, as click-to-message leads will appear as a chat in WhatsApp or Messenger.

How to download Facebook leads on desktop and mobile?

In case you’re wondering where do Facebook leads go, keep in mind that all the contact details you collect via Lead Ads or Messenger Lead Generation – such as a lead’s name, phone number, email address, and preferences – are saved to your Facebook Page’s Form Library

Things to know about your Facebook lead data

  • This data is available on Facebook for three months, starting when each new lead submits their details.
  • Once this period is over, you will no longer be able to view or download your Facebook lead data as Facebook automatically deletes records older than 90 days.
  • You should automatically save leads to your database (or manually export them every 90 days) to ensure you don’t lose them. 

You can access your Facebook leads from a desktop or mobile device. What is better for you will depend on the nature of your business and what platforms you use more often. 

For example, if you are a salesperson who is always on the go, you may not be in front of your laptop all the time. But, you will always have your phone with you. In this case, you should choose the best way to access Facebook leads from your smartphone.

Here are the four ways to access and download your Facebook leads from desktop and mobile: 

  • Manually downloading Facebook leads via CSV/XLS from Ads Manager (desktop only)
  • Viewing leads in Facebook Leads Centre (desktop only)
  • Using free Facebook Leads Viewer tools (desktop and mobile)
  • Using integrations to get lead alerts and/or automatically add leads to a CRM or other database (desktop and mobile)

Let’s look at these different ways in detail to understand the pros and cons of each method.

Bow to get lead from facebook

Facebook offers many different types of ads styles and formats, depending on your goals – raising brand awareness, promoting new products, gaining followers, etc. But for most businesses, the main priority is getting new leads. There are two main ways to get leads from Facebook Ads:

  1. Submit Contact Details (e.g. leads submit their contact details via Facebook Lead Ads, Messenger Lead Generation, or a website contact form) 
  2. Click-to-Message (e.g. leads click to message directly on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger)

We’ll focus on how to view or download leads from Facebook for leads that have submitted their contact details via Facebook lead forms, as click-to-message leads will appear as a chat in WhatsApp or Messenger.

How to download Facebook leads on desktop and mobile?

In case you’re wondering where do Facebook leads go, keep in mind that all the contact details you collect via Lead Ads or Messenger Lead Generation – such as a lead’s name, phone number, email address, and preferences – are saved to your Facebook Page’s Form Library

Things to know about your Facebook lead data

  • This data is available on Facebook for three months, starting when each new lead submits their details.
  • Once this period is over, you will no longer be able to view or download your Facebook lead data as Facebook automatically deletes records older than 90 days.
  • You should automatically save leads to your database (or manually export them every 90 days) to ensure you don’t lose them. 

You can access your Facebook leads from a desktop or mobile device. What is better for you will depend on the nature of your business and what platforms you use more often. 

For example, if you are a salesperson who is always on the go, you may not be in front of your laptop all the time. But, you will always have your phone with you. In this case, you should choose the best way to access Facebook leads from your smartphone.

Here are the four ways to access and download your Facebook leads from desktop and mobile: 

  • Manually downloading Facebook leads via CSV/XLS from Ads Manager (desktop only)
  • Viewing leads in Facebook Leads Centre (desktop only)
  • Using free Facebook Leads Viewer tools (desktop and mobile)
  • Using integrations to get lead alerts and/or automatically add leads to a CRM or other database (desktop and mobile)

Let’s look at these different ways in detail to understand the pros and cons of each method.